Saturday, July 4, 2015

Justice, Come.

I wrote this poem, and created the accompanying artwork, about a year ago, but it seems fitting to share again here and now--back in America after months in the Middle East, on the 4th of July. May we have the wisdom on this holiday to look beyond our limited perspectives and more fully cherish the value of all human life. May we ask the hard questions, of ourselves and our country, and not settle for a façade of freedom at the expense of those who suffer in the wake of our national interests. May we fight for an informed justice that truly extends to all.

Justice, Come.

She hears their whispers, feels their stares

They can’t see past her veil, their stereotypes

Blind to the tears that wet her cheeks too

Justice, tell us a story more true.

Sweet cupcakes and smiles on a summer day

Bright symbols of freedom fill the sky of July

An Iraqi girl plays, safe, far away from home

Stomachs growl within sanctioned borders

A different kind of explosions mark the night

Innocent bystanders become collateral damage

Justice cries out: Human life is human life is human life.

A false narrative permeates the pulpits and pews

Divisions of us vs. them, with God on our side

His kingdom proclaimed in red, blue, and white

Justice, give us eyes that see,

hearts that repent, arms that extend.

This land of conflict and chaos and weary hearts

Bloodstained streets that yearn for redemption

Her beauty stands behind the veil, solemnly resilient

Justice, come.