Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Pre-Departure Thoughts.

Everyone keeps asking me the same questions: Are you ready? and how are you feeling?

Well, I've gone over the checklist more times than I can count: my bags are packed, boarding passes printed, research done, last goodbyes exchanged... So yes, I guess you could say that I am ready. But I think that depends on your definition of the word.

In some ways, I feel as if I have been preparing for this a good portion of my life. Some winding journey has led me through years of Arabic classes, pages and pages of history books, plenty of coffee shop political conversations, and precious friendships with those that call this region their home. These experiences have taught me, challenged me, shaped me--and sparked a dream within me.

Yet, I realize now that nothing could really prepare me for what I am about to encounter; for what my eyes may see, what my heart may have to bear. Too much remains unknown, unfathomable. So, I think I'll settle with being ready to embrace that.

As for how I am feeling, I am both excited and anxious, but mostly I am grateful. Yes, this is something that I have worked for, but it is not something that I deserve. I feel like this opportunity is a privilege, and with that comes a responsibility...

To learn as much as I possibly can, both in the classroom and outside of it.
To listen well to the stories of these people who are so worth being heard.
And to share this journey with you all, if you are willing to follow along.

These are the simple goals of this trip, and what I hope this blog will foster.

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