Wednesday, February 11, 2015


To strive to be aware,
with open eyes and open ears,
an open mind and open heart...
Is this the path to knowing?

Or is knowing something deeper,
not possible to be acquired
through the words on a page,
or on their lips, in their faces?

Privilege, defined: not having to know.

Not having to know the heartbreak
of exile, betrayal, loss of homeland,
childhoods sacrificed on both sides
of a seemingly endless state of war.

Not having to know the ache of hunger,
the shrapnel of bombs, the hopelessness
of stolen histories, identities, heartbeats.

In that my knowing is a choice
rests its ultimate limitation, and yet
herein also lies a pivotal invitation.

Into sadness, anger, confusion, pain...
Not my own, but nonetheless owned
by this humanity that is mine to hold.

At times I wish to know no more,
but oh, how true to say that some
do not have this luxury of wishing.

Privilege, defined:
a responsibility to knowledge--
if only in part, this is better than none. 


  1. Caitlin,
    I've been enjoying your posts immensely. Reading about not only your experience(s) but your insight as well. And this post highlights the latter. It's beautifully written and the content itself makes a strong statement.
    I look forward to hearing more about your time there- a portrait of your experiences.
    Best wishes, Maricarmen

  2. Maricarmen, thank you so much for your kind, encouraging words. Seriously that means more to me than you know :) I hope all is well with you. Please say hello to the MAL team for me!
